New toy. Work in
Here are some notes in case you find
them useful.
Here are some screenshots showing what I've been
working on recently :
- Burning cloth
- first attempt, a lot more to come. Shows the
interaction between different parts of the engine.
- Rotozoom shader
- uses Flexine's dynamic shaders (text files, you simply
drag & drop them on a mesh). They expose all render
states from DX7 and DX8 (and even some other ones!), in a
way pretty similar to what "Effects &
Techniques" do in DX8. Except that it actually runs
on DX7 as well (the DX8 engine is actually currently
- Explosion & lightnings - shows the textured lines and procedural
lightning generation. Boom!
- Power knot - a
dynamic shader applied to a knot makes a nice power-up
item in a game...
- Halo 1 - a
halo using the motion blur path !
- Halo 2 - the
same. Scene from the old DOS demo "Shad" by
- Particles 1 -
shows the somewhat fast particle system. Fast because
hierarchical, in a Susan Fisher way.
- Particles 2 -
the same with another texture, looks weird enough to be
- Environment / cubemaps / etc - shows the standard
skybox-used-as-a-cubemap effect. Not especially
interesting but still cute.
- ROK files -
shows the support of totally unknown file formats such as
those japanese ROK files I used to be fond of. Also shows
the infinite grid, by-the-way.
- Displaced subdivision surfaces &
anisotropic lighting -
demonstrates exactly this : displaced subdivision
surfaces and anisotropic lighting :) This is called
"programmer art".
- Web support -
shows it also works online as an ActiveX component. Scene
from the old DOS demo "Explora", from Bomb (my
old group).
- Decals - shows
arbitrary decals over arbitrary surfaces.
- Shadows & detail textures on
- ...with a controlable, motion-blended,
skinned, on-the-fly subdivided character from Unreal. Any weapon can be attached on-the-fly to
any point on the skin. Also there: hierarchical culling,
full collision detection & response, basic IK on the
head, etc. In short, everything you need in a real app.
- High resolution characters
- Power of shaders
- More power of shaders...
- And again, and again...
- A bumpy MAX4 dragon, butterfly-subdivided a few times.
- Archipelago in
its full glory.
- Some portals : the test scene viewed
from outside, and
from the inside using
- Some terrains: Thatcher Ulrich's chunk-LOD
code, converted to D3D. Integration with portals /
collision detection / physics is on its way.
- Some motion blur,
and more motion blur.
- Spherical harmonics lighting.
- Decals. We need decals. Lots of them.
Let's say 10.000.
- And 10.000 houses
to build our town.
More, later.
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