Irion was the codename for a game-engine I
worked on, in Lyon. It was big and ambitious, probably too much
for its own good. Here is an excerpt of what I did in this
project :
- Arrays, data compression, standard
- The MAX exporter, Character Studio,
skinning, motion blending, motion graph
- Serialization methods
- Fast Fourier transform
- TCB interpolators
- Perlin noise, Cellular noise
- A volume integrator to compute inertia
- A big part of the DirectX7 renderer
- Porting the renderer to the Dreamcast
- A lot of computational geometry
- Intersection tests, advanced collision
detection, sweep & prune
- A triangle striper
- A silhouette tracker
- Occlusion culling
- Shadow volumes, stencil shadows
- Stencil mirrors, clip planes mirrors
- Basic IK
- Subdivision surfaces
- Progressive meshes
- Particles
- Rigid Body Simulation, ODE solvers
- A game prototype finally, using Irion
- Etc !
The complete list is huge, this was a year without
much sleep
An unreleased
hardware-rendered version of Eden, using Irion DX6 (old !).
Some cute stencil
Water effect
Cellular noise
Terrain stuff :
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