Meshmerizer is a software
library dedicated to computational geometry.
Random features :
- Basic classes (triangle / quad /
polygon / surface / shape / etc)
- Adjacency graphes
- Vertex valences
- Rings
- Edge lists and submesh extractors
- BSP and CSG on arbitrary surfaces
- Mesh cleaners
- Consolidation code to build
hardware-friendly surfaces
- Vertex-cache optimizer
- Code to fix non-manifold meshes
- Code to compute triangle strips
- UVs generators
- Bounding volumes (AABB / Spheres /
OBBs / LSS / RSS / TSS / Convex hulls)
- Inner volumes (only boxes so far)
- Frustum-related code (plane
extraction, etc)
- A huge collection of various
intersection / distance tests
- Progressive meshes
- Mesh compression
- Subdivision surfaces (Polyhedral /
Loop / Butterfly / Displaced)
- Silhouette tracking code & shadow
- Implicit surfaces
- Normals & normal masks
- Hill climbing on convex polytopes
- Stabbing structures
- Decals & clipping
- Default surfaces (cube/sphere/etc...
even a bunny)
- Etc !
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