Here’s a new rushed out KP release:
Brief changelist:
- fixed wrong kick move when leaving initial dialog.
- improved sniper behaviour
- fixed: fallen striker doesn’t react to CrouchKickFW3 attack
- fixed: “hit foot” animation starts again and again if we “hit foot” a guy already doing the “hit foot” anim…
- fixed: enable hit foot anim on left foot only
- added hit foot anim for some NPC attacks as well, not just the player’s
- fixed: double “crouch + punch” motion for all NPCs
- reworked sharing of state machines between different NPCs. They can now have different “skins” but the same state machine.
- added stagger anims
- fixed max number of reticles for Mercury Bow in “compound redux”
- fixed missing arc when shooting at the skybox with a Mercury Bow
- added “random” button for costume selection
- added missing transitions for kick/punch/jump on runstart & runstop
- added missing kick/punch/jump transitions in land anims
- fixed black “cinematic” margins, size was resolution-independent
- fixed rendering issue for console text on health UI
- fixed: “nuclear tackle” sound not interrupted when hit
- tweaked land hard parameters
- AI now uses crouch attacks in combat
- updated/fixed some AI attacks
- fixed some bad transitions for NPCs
- added correct sniper character in “compound redux”
- added “AI groups” for easier management
- reworked “Nightshade kick” mechanism
- added “access denied” sound for locked consoles
- fixed crazy bug where NPCs run in circle behind eachother in demo mode
- added more varied punch/kick sounds
- fixed a whole lot of misc bugs/crashes/issues