Back to Switzerland

The boss at the end of the Spain level was long and tedious, but I finished him. It’s a bit disappointing to see that the game re-uses the Switzerland level a second time, it feels a bit cheap. Lazy artists! But hey, this time I collected enough money to buy new weapons so it will probably be easier. I wonder if they unlocked some items like their garbage bins nearby the Technopark (*).

I am packing my PC tomorrow, and the relocation people pick the boxes up the next day. After that, I will be without a PC until I find a new flat in Zürich. It might take a while, so don’t expect a lot of updates for a month or so.


(*) completely private joke here :)

5 Responses to “Back to Switzerland”

  1. Iritscen Says:

    Okay, it’s been a month! So how are things? :-)

  2. admin Says:

    Do you miss me? :) Found a flat. Opened up boxes. Ordered furnitures that are still not here. Ordered Internet access, that is still not here either. I can only access internet from work, so no updates for the moment…

  3. Iritscen Says:

    All right, well, good to hear you arrived safe and sound.

  4. Gumby Says:

    Hey, since I couldn’t find your email, and you are slow to reply to PMs….

    …how hard is it to implement dynamic shadowing into an engine that has none? :P

  5. admin Says:

    Sorry, super busy those days. I didn’t even notice a PM… Dynamic Shadowing is usually quite painful, there’s no great, final method (there’s a new technique in a new technical paper every 6 months or something). That being said it all depends on your requirements. If you need it in a very specific case, if you don’t need a super generic solution working in all possible situations, it’s a lot easier… cialis